Please call ahead if you would like a tour. Visitors are asked to check in on arrival. 


  • King’s Fold is an adult retreat centre.
  • Pets do not qualify as guests at King’s Fold.   Please make other arrangements for them.
  • Tax receiptable donations to assist in our ministry are appreciated.
  • Due to fixed costs for meal preparations, fee adjustments are not made for missed meals.
  • Payment for retreats are due at the time of your retreat and can be in the form of cash, cheque, e-Transfer (retreat@kingsfoldretreat.com), debit or credit card.
  • At King’s Fold we encourage you to “unplug,” using your computers, cell phones, tablets and other electronic devices only as they add to your resting and retreating.  Limited internet access is available.  Guests are requested to limit use of electronic devices to their group’s meeting room and voice calls to the entryway of the Lodge.


  • sturdy footwear if you are wanting to walk our trails
  • your journal if you have one
  • your Bible, if reading one is part of your practice
  • a warm jacket, even in summer as our nights are cool
  • very little in terms of “projects.”  Projects on a retreat can be distracting and can keep one from being open and available to God.  However, simple ones can also be of help in unwinding and letting go (coloring, a novel, knitting, etc).  Try and discern if you are bringing it because you need a distraction or because it will truly assist you in entering into your retreat.  As well, our guests often end up sleeping much more than they anticipate.
  • King’s Fold supplies all bedding and towels for lodge guests.  Cabin guests need to bring a sleeping bag (pillows, pillowcases and towels are provided).  Alarm clocks and hairdryers are available upon request.


  • Groups are encouraged to make reservations well in advance for optimum choice of dates. Often dates are booked a year or more in advance.
  • Weekends are often busy, so individuals or couples planning a personal weekend retreat are encouraged to book several weeks in advance.
  • There is sometimes more room available Sunday through Friday – even on short notice.


  • There is currently one Spiritual Director on site and sessions can usually be booked with them if we know in advance – ideally at time of booking. Other Community Members are available as well, for conversations or to provide a listening ear.
  • We are all on a journey.  A spiritual director accompanies us on that journey – becoming a sacred companion.  They offer hospitality for the soul – safe and sacred space where encounter with God can take place.  We were never meant to make the journey alone – it is meant to be shared.  One of the ways of sharing the journey is in spiritual direction.  It is a “one-on-one relationship organized around prayer and conversation directed toward deepening intimacy with God… [Spiritual directors] seek to help those with whom they journey, discern the presence and leading of the Spirit of God – the One Jesus sent as our true Spiritual Director” (David Benner, Sacred Companions, p. 17).
  • If you are interested in finding a spiritual director, contact us and we can recommend several – around Calgary and elsewhere. If you are interested in seeing a spiritual director during your retreat at King’s Fold, please let us know when you book.

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